Ben’s Story
In early 2003 Ben Davis loaded his pickup with every last belonging and drove straight south on Interstate 5 for 1300 miles until reaching the southeast end of Tijuana, Mexico. At the time, his mission, albeit genuine, was quite undefined. He spent the first three weeks sleeping on a couch at the house of Pastor Miguel and Imelda Altamirano. From there his living standards slowly increased as he lived in a room behind a medical clinic (one year of showering with cold water!). For the next two years he taught English at the Christian, elementary school, Centro Pedagógico Didaque. He then worked for several years with a child sponsorship organization involved in local government schools. However, the little school on the hill, Centro Pedagógico Didaque, always remained heavy on his heart,
which led to the formation of Didaque Ministries in 2009.
Ben is happily married to Cynthia, a Tijuana native. Cynthia is very active in their church, Monte Horeb, teaching Sunday School for 6-8 year olds, and as a member of the worship team. They have two children, Rhys and Samantha, both born in Mexico.